I guess I just wanted to write a little update. I've been so inspired by people recently; a little trip to see a favourite, an adventuring friend and a free spirit tear away. Between these people I've decided I need something more from life, little do they know just how much they've inspired me.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
I'm Seeking Adventure.
Hello earthlings, remember me? I know I've been absent of late but it's hard to keep things up and I figure a blog should be a fun hobby and I shouldn't feel pressure because I haven't uploaded anything.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
The Diary Of A Teenage Girl Review
Hello little critters,
I just got home from Secret Garden Party and saw that it had been a little while since I posted so I'm not going to waffle on with my festival adventures as it will make me sad that I'm back in grey London.. I'm cracking on with a film review instead- enjoy!
So, last week I was lucky enough to be invited to a screening of The Diary Of A Teenage Girl, directed by Marielle Heller. I'm going to tell all right here!
I just got home from Secret Garden Party and saw that it had been a little while since I posted so I'm not going to waffle on with my festival adventures as it will make me sad that I'm back in grey London.. I'm cracking on with a film review instead- enjoy!
So, last week I was lucky enough to be invited to a screening of The Diary Of A Teenage Girl, directed by Marielle Heller. I'm going to tell all right here!
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Hello little pets,
As some of you may know I hit the famous fields of Worthy Farm a few weeks ago for Glastonbury! Attending Glastonbury is something that has been on my bucket list for years so you can imagine how excitable I was! The only thing that gets me through our numbing winter months is knowing that I'll be prancing through the festival fields once summer arrives and kicking off festival season with Glastonbury was a pretty fab way to start things.
I finally got my film camera developed this week so although a little late (in true Gomez style, of course) I thought I'd share my weekend with you.
As some of you may know I hit the famous fields of Worthy Farm a few weeks ago for Glastonbury! Attending Glastonbury is something that has been on my bucket list for years so you can imagine how excitable I was! The only thing that gets me through our numbing winter months is knowing that I'll be prancing through the festival fields once summer arrives and kicking off festival season with Glastonbury was a pretty fab way to start things.
I finally got my film camera developed this week so although a little late (in true Gomez style, of course) I thought I'd share my weekend with you.
Monday, 15 June 2015
6 Reasons Why You Need To Ditch The Tube
First off, I just wanted to say a huge thank you! My last post; which you can find here has gone down a treat! I've hit over 1000 views! (Nothing to some of you mega bloggers, but a big achievement for me!) I enjoyed writing in the article style so much I thought I would keep it up.
I've been walking everywhere this week so it was really fun for me to compile this weeks post!
Monday, 8 June 2015
Why Social Media is Toxic For Your "Chilled" Weekend
I've been feeling a bit 'meh' these past few weeks, not particularly sad but not my chirpy self either. I think the whole big exciting city move has calmed down and now I'm just feeling a bit, dare I say it..l-o-n-e-l-y which is crazy because I'm a a city of so many.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
I'm Running A Marathon!
BAM. That hit you square in the face? It did when I saw it earlier this week. I'm going to tell you why in this weeks post!
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Fitting In & Finding My Place
Hello you lovely beings! Happy Sunday! I was just a tiny bit hungover this morning after celebrating my sisters birthday but I made myself go and do a giant food shop (got very carried away) I'm trying to get back on track this week after indulging big time. Perhaps I could share a healthy recipe soon, I've got many up my sleeve!

Friday, 8 May 2015
10 Online Babes You Need To Be Following
Holla amigos, I do hope you had a fab week and loved the bank holiday. I had such an amazing time and am currently feeling pretty blue that I can't rewind and live it again. I'm going home this weekend to pick up some bits for my new flat. Hopefully a little trip to Ikea may be on the cards too..
Friday, 1 May 2015
6 Things You Need To Know Before Moving To London
It's Friday- FRI-YAY! (Sorry I couldn't help myself.) Since I've been blogging the weeks have been flying by! I've had such a hectic week, I started a new job and by the time you're reading this I'll be mentally preparing myself for an evening of trudging my belongings across London into my new gorgeous little flat. I am so excited and happy to have my own little nest.
For this weeks post I'm going to tell you my tips for moving to London solo. I know I've only been here for 3 weeks so I'm not an expert but here goes..

For this weeks post I'm going to tell you my tips for moving to London solo. I know I've only been here for 3 weeks so I'm not an expert but here goes..

Friday, 24 April 2015
The Magic Of Film Photography- My Latest Snaps!
Yo kids, how was your week?! Mine has been pretty full on, I've officially secured my new flat to move into at the end of the month and I've managed to bag myself a social media PR internship. So it seems everything is working out in the big bad city.
This week I got some film developed; probably one of the things that make me happiest as I always forget what I've snapped and love not knowing what I'm going to find. I absolutely adore photography, especially film; without sounding like a complete twit I just find the entire process a little bit magical. To all of you pro photographers you'll probably be repulsed by the lighting in some of these, I don't mind it because I think it adds to the picture but in future I'll be sure to snap more with natural light! Anyway, I thought I would share some of my favourites for you! All of them are photographed on a gorgeous LTL3 Pratika.
To view the whole set and see more of my snaps, you can go and have a browse here, or alternatively find the Tumblr page on the top of my blog!
Friday, 17 April 2015
Who Inspires You?
H E L L O,
How are you all doing? I hope you've had a lovely little week and are sporting your first summer tan with all the pride that I am. I've been waiting a long time to get in that sun, and my skin was more than ready to drink it up. In life updates- I moved to London this week, I'm still on the hunt for a job so have been looking full time and am trying to keep positive about it all.
So this week I thought I would write about someone who inspires me.
My big sister is the biggest inspiration to me. She's achieved so much and I couldn't think of a better role model. She's a classic 'if you want it, go and get it.' She has such a positive influence on everyone around her and when she walks into a room her energy radiates.
She's inspired me in so many ways but one thing she tops the charts in is her determination, she sets a goal and she achieves it. She wanted to run a marathon, she did. She had no running experience but she put her all into training and I when I saw her on the day (a year ago last weekend!) I felt so proud of her, I instantly welled up and had a wave of goosebumps cover my body.
She is totally fearless, she went travelling on her own after university and is the oldest of us Gomez siblings so has really paved the way in every aspect. Imagine how scary it is being the first child to make big life decisions? Congrats for that in itself.
She works hard and is killing it with her job, she's only four years older than me but if I can be at her level in four years time I will be one happy lady. She knows what she wants to achieve and so far she's smashed all of her goals. She's always had a really good work ethic, even when she was 16 she was working every weekend without complaint.
My sister helps me stay focused with my ambitions and there's never a dull moment when she's around. She's one of these people who are really good at this life game we're all playing. I imagine she's an inspiration to everyone who knows her so I feel mega lucky that she's my big sis.
Who inspires you?
How are you all doing? I hope you've had a lovely little week and are sporting your first summer tan with all the pride that I am. I've been waiting a long time to get in that sun, and my skin was more than ready to drink it up. In life updates- I moved to London this week, I'm still on the hunt for a job so have been looking full time and am trying to keep positive about it all.
So this week I thought I would write about someone who inspires me.
My big sister is the biggest inspiration to me. She's achieved so much and I couldn't think of a better role model. She's a classic 'if you want it, go and get it.' She has such a positive influence on everyone around her and when she walks into a room her energy radiates.
She's inspired me in so many ways but one thing she tops the charts in is her determination, she sets a goal and she achieves it. She wanted to run a marathon, she did. She had no running experience but she put her all into training and I when I saw her on the day (a year ago last weekend!) I felt so proud of her, I instantly welled up and had a wave of goosebumps cover my body.
She is totally fearless, she went travelling on her own after university and is the oldest of us Gomez siblings so has really paved the way in every aspect. Imagine how scary it is being the first child to make big life decisions? Congrats for that in itself.
She works hard and is killing it with her job, she's only four years older than me but if I can be at her level in four years time I will be one happy lady. She knows what she wants to achieve and so far she's smashed all of her goals. She's always had a really good work ethic, even when she was 16 she was working every weekend without complaint.
My sister helps me stay focused with my ambitions and there's never a dull moment when she's around. She's one of these people who are really good at this life game we're all playing. I imagine she's an inspiration to everyone who knows her so I feel mega lucky that she's my big sis.
Who inspires you?
Friday, 10 April 2015
3 Book Reviews- My Latest Reads!
Welcome back to Beyond Journal, I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend and have been enjoying the first glimmers of sunshine that we've had!
This weeks post is something I've never done before and upon reading what it is, you may roll your eyes- I probably would have a few months ago.. but bare with me! I wanted to do some book reviews for someone who like me, is fairly new at 'reading for fun.' As you know, I moved home with my parents and wanted to find a new way of unwinding. I had an Argos voucher left over from Christmas and after thinking about it for weeks I treated myself to a Kindle.
I was only ever a 'poolside reader' but I wanted to better myself and start reading and enjoying it. I'm happy to say I'm a convert. I even take my Kindle to work and whack it out during my lunch breaks. So here, I have 3 books for an easy transition into reading.
1. GONE GIRL-Gillian Flynn
My first book I downloaded, I hadn't watched the film, I had just heard very good things and a few friends recommended for me to read it. So, feeling all smug and fancy with my brand new Kindle, I downloaded it.
I got into it straight away, the book is told by Nick and Amy, a couple facing some pretty intense drama. The chapters are narrated alternatively by the pair which kept me interested the whole way through. You saw both their views and the story was told in two different ways, eventually crossing into one as the plot drew to a head.
It was a really entertaining read and only took me about two weeks to finish because I was tuning it every night until my eyes couldn't stay open! I'm hesitant to watch the film because I don't want the characters in my head to be replaced by some flouncy Hollywood stars! Definitely a really easy read to ease you in.
2. WILD-Cheryl Strayed
Now, this book is probably my favourite. The character Cheryl, (who's also the author-it's a memoir to her travel) decides to trek along the PCT, a hiking trail from California to Washington, with zero training and no companion. I fell so in love with her character, she seemed so honest and real (go on, roll your eyes..) It was about her journey throughout, and had the perfect balance of what she was encountering along with stories from her past.
For me, I loved this read because Cheryl was discovering more about herself with every step of the trail. As with other books you know you're nearing the end as the plot untwists but with this every chapter was nearing closer to her final destination so you actually felt like you were moving along.
The ending of this one was really lovely and not really what I expected it to be, which I liked. I really do recommend, I promise you it will make you feel empowered and inspired to go and do something out of your comfort zone and also make you want to scream- "GIRL POWER." Also is it really embarrassing to admit that I felt really sad to leave this character? She was flipping amazing!
Now, this one is definitely more challenging then the previous two as it's very hard hitting. I hate to say I almost gave up with this but I kept hearing such good reviews I thought I need to power though and I'm SO glad I did.
The story tells of two women living in Afghanistan through the Soviet War and Taliban take over. The brutality and hardship is overwhelming and had me with a lump in my throat more than once! This book genuinely opened my eyes to some of the horrors around the world and has taught me about the abuse and violence that was endured. The book isn't necessarily about the war, just more about the tale of the ladies who are affected and living through it. I was so pleased that there was some hope of a happy ending, the bond between the two women Laila and Mariam is full of bravery and hope. You need to give this a read!
(lol that I paired my kindle with cacti, I was gonna do a 'coffee and kindle' shot but a)Boring b)I wanted to show off these gorgeous little creatures.)
What books do you recommend?
Friday, 3 April 2015
I'm Moving To London!
So, like a new, keen blogger I had written a post about a week ago to be scheduled for today but after a lovely afternoon, I feel so inspired and want to write about my thoughts towards my living situation.
After three fun filled years of living at University in Southampton I had become nervous about the thought of moving home with my parents. My house was the best, forget these student accommodation horror stories- my best friends and I shared the most gorgeous house and spent our evenings either staying up until the early hours watching weird documentaries, getting ready for a night out together or blaring karaoke tracks (I know this is the number one girl cliche, but trust me, singing into our hairbrushes was a daily occurrence.)
So when the time came to leave and the car was packed up, mum drove us away leaving me, the girls and her in tears (it was v.emotional okay.) We had just got home from our first holiday too, leaving us closer than ever which I questioned was even possible? I was driving away from what had become family. Post-Uni blues is real and this is a sole example of why!
I was lucky that I secured a fashion PR internship and then got a full time waitress job within weeks of moving home, so I wasn't hanging around sleeping until 3pm like I know I could have been. It made life a lot easier to get into a work sync alongside my parents. For the first few months it felt like I was on a long summer break and soon enough I would be back living independently but then it sank in and wow did it hit hard. I was a full time waitress and I was living with my parents, of course this was fine short term but forward on another 6 months and I still had made no progress in moving out or finding an industry job, It was a brutal realisation, especially when I would hear of uni friends moving and working in London and being successful. It was hard to snap out of my negative bubble.
When I eventually thought, okay- let's do something then. I honestly feel like I became a new and improved Marielo. I started applying for every kind of job, I had a couple of interviews, I finally realised the type of work I want to do (after 3 years of dragging my feet though uni totally confused about what work I wanted to pursue ..it was pretty great to know, digital and social media is my calling.)
Since I started being proactive with applying and chasing my dream of moving to London I thought, whilst I'm here in a loving, clean and calm home I should work on that 'me' stuff. It's honestly worked a dream, I'm the happiest I've been in years, I started running as a hobby and now love it so much, I've saved money from working full time and I started this blog- something I have always wanted to do. I wanted to make the experience a positive one and I have, I've become so much closer with my parents especially and I've really enjoyed being back at home.
So that was the post I planned on writing, but I met with a friend who's moving away to Brighton, he was telling me of all the exciting changes he'd face and I sat with puppy dog eyes, envious of his future and spontaneity. Then it dawned on me, I could have exactly the same. I've worked at home long enough to support myself to move to London whilst I look for jobs, there's nobody to wait for, only me. I realised I had been making excuses for months on moving because it's scary and I'll have to rent on my own for a while, I'll have a few weeks to find myself a full time job and I only know a handful of people there but it's time to take the risk, I feel so ready to put life into motion. So, I'm going to hold my breath and j-u-m-p! Wish me luck!
(I found this on my Instagram timeline earlier this week and I think it's subconsciously stayed in my mind. PREACH!)
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Beyond Journal
Welcome and congrats on being a reader of my first ever blog post!
This is the bit where I tell you what you can expect to find on this blog as it grows and a little back story on why I wanted to create Beyond Journal. I've always been obsessed with blogs, for years I've read religiously and admired those who had the guts and confidence to create their own. It's only recently I've felt brave enough to just do it.
I'm a recent university graduate and I've moved back home with my parents and am searching and applying for media jobs non-stop. That's what I want this blog to be about, the big scary gaping space between leaving uni and waiting to start a life of my own in London. You can expect to find a splash of everything; what I'm doing to try and jump start life, the fillers, fun and flaws of the in-between.
Welcome to Beyond Journal.
Welcome and congrats on being a reader of my first ever blog post!
This is the bit where I tell you what you can expect to find on this blog as it grows and a little back story on why I wanted to create Beyond Journal. I've always been obsessed with blogs, for years I've read religiously and admired those who had the guts and confidence to create their own. It's only recently I've felt brave enough to just do it.
I'm a recent university graduate and I've moved back home with my parents and am searching and applying for media jobs non-stop. That's what I want this blog to be about, the big scary gaping space between leaving uni and waiting to start a life of my own in London. You can expect to find a splash of everything; what I'm doing to try and jump start life, the fillers, fun and flaws of the in-between.
Welcome to Beyond Journal.
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