I started a new job (another one, I know Mary-stay in one place for more two minutes?) It turns out third time lucky because I'm loving my new job so much and have learnt a whole ton of stuff. I didn't manage to schedule a post for Friday because I was getting used to everything but, no fear because I am still here and raring to go!
I'm going to blog about 'fitting in' to a new place. I've thrown myself in this week and I'm feeling a lot better for it so I'm going to share and hope I can make you feel more at ease if like me you've made a big move!
WORK: Being the 'new girl' in the office is a scary thought but I went in with bags of confidence and I found it opened my colleagues up to me straight away, if you sit in the corner and nervously type away guarding yourself, you're not inviting others to come and talk to you. This is even more important if you're interning, you need to make people like you so they keep you! Show them you love what you're doing, ask questions and make your workmates happy with lots of tea! Everyone loves a cuppa! I don't know too many people in London yet so it's nice to have pointless chatter and talk about life with people you're seeing everyday!
CLUBS: I know on paper this seems a little uni-advice-y 'want to make friends? Join the comic book society now.'(no offence comic book kids) Seriously though, since moving back with my parents after uni I started running and absolutely love it. In my new place, I didn't know any good running routes and kept putting off getting my trainers on so I decided to attend a Saturday morning running club, it's free to join and swarming with runners of all abilities. I felt so amazing being part of it, like I was joining a little community. After the run I got chatting to a lovely lady, after asking her about any running clubs in the area she introduced me to a group of her friends who run a local club every Tuesday evening. Success! A 'don't ask, don't get' moment for sure. Having the stability of doing the things you used to in a new place will make you feel better. If you've always gone to a running club, then move to a new city and stop running of course you're going to feel a bit weird. You can keep doing the things you used to, it might just take a little research!
FRIENDS: There's times where I feel quite lonely being here, my flatmates both have busy lives so a couple of times I've found myself spending the evening alone, and after a days work that's a pretty grey feeling. So I've been jumping at the chance to meet friends. It takes effort and planning here in London as everyone needs a lot of notice! I asked a girl I had met at an internship if she fancied meeting after work one night, I had only known her a week but we got on straight away and she is in the exact same position as me, so we met and had dinner and it was really nice getting to know her better. Sometimes you've just got to put yourself out there! I've also reached out to old university friends and people seem really happy to get back in contact. My best friend has lots of connections here and anytime she's invited me to hang out with her and her boyfriend or work and school friends I've gone along, it's sort of guaranteed you're going to get along with everyone your best friend is friends with!
It's also important to remember that everything takes time! You're not going to move to a new place and have a glorious life straight away. You need to be patient but you also need to put work in, it's really true that 'the more you put in, the more you get out.' If you're going to sit at home every night alone, you're not going to get any new opportunities to make life better! A positive attitude really is the best thing for fitting in to a new place.
I fear this post is a huge r-a-m-b-l-e but I hope you make sense of it and that it will motivate you to make the best of your new surroundings!
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