For this weeks post I'm going to tell you my tips for moving to London solo. I know I've only been here for 3 weeks so I'm not an expert but here goes..

1. Spareroom is your new Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Spareroom is a website for finding rooms, there's an app version and rooms get snapped up so quickly you literally need to be checking it every few hours. I signed up to get email alerts on new rooms as well as making a 'wanted ad' so people can contact you if they think they are in possession of your perfect room.
2. Have an open mind and r-e-s-e-a-r-c-h the area.
It will help massively to have an idea of the sort of the area you want to live in and when you go to view rooms be sure to read up on the area. I arrived at my viewings an hour early so I could walk around and get a feel for the place. Having an open mind is so important! The outside of my new place scared me a little but once I went in, I fell in love, the photos on the website didn't do it justice so give it a chance. Also, something that helped me and my new flatmates also mentioned; look at the kind of people that are getting off the tube in the area; when I got off I saw tons of trendy young hipster types and if you know me, you'll know I was most pleased.
3. Sofa surfing can be fun.
For me, I couldn't have done my big move without my best friend, she let me stay at her house whilst I was job and flat hunting and it meant any interviews and viewings were easy to get to and didn't cost too much to travel to. It's also been the perfect way to settling into living in a new city and knowing you're going home to a friendly face is always great.
4. Citymapper.
I would probably be stuck in god knows where if I didn't have this app. It's the ultimate travel guide and gives you the whole shebang; tubes, overground, bus, bicycle and walking there's so many times I've been lost and confused, especially finding my interview locations, I just whack Citymapper out and I know exactly where to go. I can't praise this app enough.
5. Apply for jobs like it's your full time job!
Unlike when you've been living under your parents roof and you tell yourself you're applying for jobs when really you've googled 'How to find a rich husband' and then spent the day watching Friends repeats, now you've made the move it's swim or sink. You need a job and you need one now, I would wake up early everyday and go to the coffee shop and stay there applying religiously for jobs. The more you apply for the more likely you are to get one, simples. Again with having an open mind, at this point you can't really be too picky..broaden your horizons even if it's ever so slightly, you never know you could get an opportunity that suits you perfectly.
6. Enjoy London!
I must admit, it was my best friend who reminded me to put this plan into action. Have fun in the city! You've finally made the jump, and even if you're unemployed treat yourself to the weekend off like everyone else. There's so many free events going on, jump on a tube and go and explore this crazy city.
See you next Friday!
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