After three fun filled years of living at University in Southampton I had become nervous about the thought of moving home with my parents. My house was the best, forget these student accommodation horror stories- my best friends and I shared the most gorgeous house and spent our evenings either staying up until the early hours watching weird documentaries, getting ready for a night out together or blaring karaoke tracks (I know this is the number one girl cliche, but trust me, singing into our hairbrushes was a daily occurrence.)
So when the time came to leave and the car was packed up, mum drove us away leaving me, the girls and her in tears (it was v.emotional okay.) We had just got home from our first holiday too, leaving us closer than ever which I questioned was even possible? I was driving away from what had become family. Post-Uni blues is real and this is a sole example of why!
I was lucky that I secured a fashion PR internship and then got a full time waitress job within weeks of moving home, so I wasn't hanging around sleeping until 3pm like I know I could have been. It made life a lot easier to get into a work sync alongside my parents. For the first few months it felt like I was on a long summer break and soon enough I would be back living independently but then it sank in and wow did it hit hard. I was a full time waitress and I was living with my parents, of course this was fine short term but forward on another 6 months and I still had made no progress in moving out or finding an industry job, It was a brutal realisation, especially when I would hear of uni friends moving and working in London and being successful. It was hard to snap out of my negative bubble.
When I eventually thought, okay- let's do something then. I honestly feel like I became a new and improved Marielo. I started applying for every kind of job, I had a couple of interviews, I finally realised the type of work I want to do (after 3 years of dragging my feet though uni totally confused about what work I wanted to pursue was pretty great to know, digital and social media is my calling.)
Since I started being proactive with applying and chasing my dream of moving to London I thought, whilst I'm here in a loving, clean and calm home I should work on that 'me' stuff. It's honestly worked a dream, I'm the happiest I've been in years, I started running as a hobby and now love it so much, I've saved money from working full time and I started this blog- something I have always wanted to do. I wanted to make the experience a positive one and I have, I've become so much closer with my parents especially and I've really enjoyed being back at home.
So that was the post I planned on writing, but I met with a friend who's moving away to Brighton, he was telling me of all the exciting changes he'd face and I sat with puppy dog eyes, envious of his future and spontaneity. Then it dawned on me, I could have exactly the same. I've worked at home long enough to support myself to move to London whilst I look for jobs, there's nobody to wait for, only me. I realised I had been making excuses for months on moving because it's scary and I'll have to rent on my own for a while, I'll have a few weeks to find myself a full time job and I only know a handful of people there but it's time to take the risk, I feel so ready to put life into motion. So, I'm going to hold my breath and j-u-m-p! Wish me luck!
(I found this on my Instagram timeline earlier this week and I think it's subconsciously stayed in my mind. PREACH!)
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