Friday, 17 April 2015

Who Inspires You?

H E L L O,

How are you all doing? I hope you've had a lovely little week and are sporting your first summer tan with all the pride that I am. I've been waiting a long time to get in that sun, and my skin was more than ready to drink it up. In life updates- I moved to London this week, I'm still on the hunt for a job so have been looking full time and am trying to keep positive about it all.

So this week I thought I would write about someone who inspires me.

My big sister is the biggest inspiration to me. She's achieved so much and I couldn't think of a better role model. She's a classic 'if you want it, go and get it.' She has such a positive influence on everyone around her and when she walks into a room her energy radiates. 

She's inspired me in so many ways but one thing she tops the charts in is her determination, she sets a goal and she achieves it. She wanted to run a marathon, she did. She had no running experience but she put her all into training and I when I saw her on the day (a year ago last weekend!) I felt so proud of her, I instantly welled up and had a wave of goosebumps cover my body. 

She is totally fearless, she went travelling on her own after university and is the oldest of us Gomez siblings so has really paved the way in every aspect. Imagine how scary it is being the first child to make big life decisions? Congrats for that in itself. 

She works hard and is killing it with her job, she's only four years older than me but if I can be at her level in four years time I will be one happy lady. She knows what she wants to achieve and so far she's smashed all of her goals. She's always had a really good work ethic, even when she was 16 she was working every weekend without complaint.

My sister helps me stay focused with my ambitions and there's never a dull moment when she's around. She's one of these people who are really good at this life game we're all playing. I imagine she's an inspiration to everyone who knows her so I feel mega lucky that she's my big sis.

Who inspires you?


1 comment:

  1. Your sister sounds like a fab role model! I would say my older brother is an inspiration to me x

    Josie’s Journal
