Tuesday, 1 September 2015

I'm Seeking Adventure.

Hello earthlings, remember me? I know I've been absent of late but it's hard to keep things up and I figure a blog should be a fun hobby and I shouldn't feel pressure because I haven't uploaded anything.

I guess I just wanted to write a little update. I've been so inspired by people recently; a little trip to see a favourite, an adventuring friend and a free spirit tear away. Between these people I've decided I need something more from life, little do they know just how much they've inspired me.

A little trip to see a friend- When I was waitressing after uni, my friend and I who both worked in the dismal restaurant would seek comfort in plotting our escape away from my grey hometown, he fled to Brighton to start fresh, I fled to London. It was the first time I saw him since we made our new pathways and I couldn't have been happier to be reunited. His plan worked out so well. He was so happy, living and working the cliche dream of a young twenty something in a kooky seaside city. He put so many of my worries into perspective and shifted my gears. 

An adventuring friend- One of my best friends has recently decided to pack up her London life and go travelling solo. The flight has been booked and the countdown has begun. Having someone so close make a decision like that has definitely made me think I could too. The unknown seems like such a beautiful prospect for her. 

The free spirit tear away- you know those people who burst in like a mini tornado, full of life, mischievous 'wing-it' tales, and uncertainty but probably the happiest person you'll ever see? Yeah, that. 

I'm seeing things clearer now, I've realised you really don't need a plan. I was constantly worrying about the future, so much so I wasn't enjoying the present. I also keep having this nagggggggggg that I'm getting old (I know that seems silly because I'm 22) but I feel like a patronising little witch is sitting on my shoulder telling me 'you should really start aiming for a career' or 'you need to organise your next house for the new year' I really hate growing up and it's not until recently I thought- I don't need to. I really don't need to. 

I keep comparing myself to these kids who have their life all sorted and shiny but when push comes to shove, I'm really not the shiny kind of girl anyway. I figure I'll just happily skip along and do what I please. I shan't get all deep on you but I've decided I really should do what makes me happy and figure out all the serious grown up stuff later because there's plenty of time to be a grown up.
I'm seeking adventure. 

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